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Homeopathy for Constipation

Writer's picture: Vandana PitkeVandana Pitke

What is Constipation?

Constipation is a condition whereby the stools become difficult to pass, or stop moving altogether for some time. However, constipation is typically accompanied by one or more of the following symptoms:

Straining during a bowel movement Being unable to have a bowel movement A sense that a bowel movement was incomplete A feeling of being blocked up The stools themselves can be dry, hard, and pellet-like (but do not have to be in order for someone to be experiencing constipation) constipation occurs when vata’s cold and dry qualities disturb the colon, inhibiting its proper functioning. The remedy is to add warmth, oil, and hydration to the system in order to counter the excess vata.

Following are some of the remedies in homeopathy which I have used for my clients very successfully.


A person needing this homeopathic remedy often suffers with a rectum that seems completely inactive – with even the softest and thinnest of stools requiring great straining to pass. The patient tends to have no desire for and no ability to pass a stool until a very large amount of material has accumulated. The stools themselves tend to be hard and knotty or covered with mucus – and can actually look like “sheep’s dung”. Cutting pains rectally are common with the stool. Also during stool, the rectum can feel as if it is constricted and dried up with throbbing pain in the small of the back.


This homeopathic remedy is often helpful for people with obstinate constipation – the stools are very dry, large and hard and can only be passed with much straining. And the stool is described as very unsatisfactory which, after much straining, causes a rush of blood to head, and at times a feeling of confusion. The stools are often dark colored and look as if burnt. The patient needing this remedy tends to be thirsty for large quantities of water (often cold water) at long intervals – with much dryness of the lips, mouth and tongue. They also tend to be a bit irritable.

Calcarea carbonica

This homeopathic remedy is one to consider for a person that tends to have hard, dry, possibly light-colored stools of an almost chalky appearance. Should be considered for infants (sometimes teething) suffering with constipation that have large, sweaty heads – particularly for infants who sweat on the head during sleep and wet or soak the pillow. These same children may also be stubborn in temperament and inclined to put on weight. Eggs are a favorite food of someone needing Calcarea carbonica. These folks tend to be chilly by nature but strangely may sweat when cold.

Nux vomica

A person needing this homeopathic remedy is often troubled with an ineffectual and frequent urging to stool with a sensation as if the anus were contracted. The stools are very hard, dry, and for some time after a stool may cause a sticking pain in rectum. There is often a frequent, unsuccessful desire for stool (“wants to, but can’t”) that results in passing small quantities, and leaving a sensation as if not finished. There may also be indigestion and flatulence. The remedy is particularly useful in those who lead a sedentary life or are suffering from effects of prolonged nursing, staying up late with someone who is sick, or mental overwork, or those who use alcohol or drugs to excess or overload their digestive tract with highly-seasoned food. At times, pregnant women and active, irritable infants will also need this remedy. Nux vomica patients tend to be chilly and unusually irritable, offended and frustrated easily.


This homeopathic remedy is often useful for those struggling with constipation during pregnancy and at other times. There is a slow and difficult discharge even of the softest stools. The stools tend to be hard, knotty (also like sheep-dung), insufficient, and scanty. Sometimes pregnant women and children that need this remedy find themselves needing manual assistance to get the stool out. During the stool there may be pain in the rectum extending to the perineum and vaginal area, with shooting and tearing pains in the rectum and anus. Before or after a constipated stool, there may be a sensation of weight (or ‘pushing down feeling’) in the anus. Sepia patients generally feel much better after exercise and are sun worshippers – they love the sun and the heat of the sun and can stay in it for hours at a time. When tired or stressed they may become quite indifferent and irritable towards loved ones.


Someone needing this homeopathic remedy tends to experience stools which are evacuated only with much pressure and straining. In some cases, after great urging and straining (until abdominal walls are sore), the stool that has already protruded slips back into the rectum involuntarily. The stool itself tends to be very hard, dry and unsatisfactory. In the rectum, there may also be sharp stitches when walking, with burning, stinging, itching during stool. Those needing Silicea are typically shy, chilly – even on a warm day after exercise – and tend to have feet that sweat and have an offensive odor. They may also sweat copiously from the face and head upon falling asleep.

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